Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Predicament

I have come to realize a problem.

Blogging is one of the most fantastic things I can ever do... but not while I'm in London!

Our time is so ... SHORT! We wake up, make delicious breakfasts, run around wearing skirts and taking pictures so as to please those back home... and 13 hours later, we're finally home.

Haha and what do we do? FACEBOOK! Hulu. Skype with friends and family.

Oh wait, did I forget blogging?

Dear anyone who ever looks at this, I am sorry. I am most definitely in every way including a link that goes to my PICASA web-albums, so if you're sincerely desperate for some news on my London trip, you can try to piece it together by the pictures.

Otherwise, I'll try very quickly to sum up in a not-quite-boring way my wonderful times I've been having.

Oh heavens! Okay, I've talked about Oxford--but not about Brasenose. I may have mentioned that we split into groups to sing evensongs (a nightly devotional with songs and scripture reading in the Anglican church). Of course, mine was Brasenose. If it wasn't, why would I mention it?

Wellll, singing was a BLAST. We walked in, and it was a small but still ornate chapel. We were wet, cold, and slightly embarrassed, but those singers welcomed us in. In fact, a lady that looks quite a bit like Terri Vodden "adopted" Anna and I. We practiced through the songs, with me making every mistake possible, and then it was... TEA TIME!

Tea was interesting. We went up into someone's dormitory, ate chocolate and BLUEBERRIES and many wonderful things. Our directors had told us to be social, so I sunk down into a SUPER comfortable chair situated in the best place possible-- IN FRONT OF THE FOOD!
A boy leaned over and asked about where we were from, and after I said, "Utah." he responded with, "Oh. Don't they have prohibition there?"

That sparked an interesting conversation.
Then, QUICK! Back to the chapel for the evensong! It was lovely. It's nice to sing in a place with such great acoustics. AFTER the evensong, it was time for "drinks." Of course, I only accepted Orange Juice, and as a boy handed us our dinner tickets we were, "American 6, American 5 [that's me!], American Pie, American Idiot..." Yup, creative. I conversed (in other words, cheerfully argued) with Ben and Ben about Harry Potter and Jane Austen.

Then, AHH! Dinner! I was led to the Hall. Not the GREAT Hall, which I do have pictures of, by the way, but the Hall nonethelesss. BUT IT WAS SO MUCH LIKE HARRY POTTER I WAS GOING INSANE ON THE INSIDE! Because of my conversation with the Bens, I was late to dinner, so instead of sitting next to the other Americans at the right end of the table by the doors, I was placed at the very end of the left end RIGHT NEXT TO ALL THE PEOPLE IN CHARGE. Intimidating? yes.

We were dressed formally-- I was wearing all black, and everyone else was wearing ROBES, the tables were candle-lit, and the servers were so quick at bringing our courses I could almost pretend they appeared by magic.
It. Was. So. Cool. And the food was FANTASTIC, by the way. Sadly, I was full before it started... and kept eating.

Overall, it was a fantastic day. We sang in the Oxford ward and ate with all o' their kids, then sang with Oxford students, and ate with them. Eating and singing? I can't complain!
... Or maybe I can.
Four sandwiches, a sausage croissant thing, a mini-pizza, chips, potatoes, carrots, strawberries, grapes, chocolate creme cookie, chocolate rice crispie treat, chocolate mousse pie, water. Bread, curry soup (HUGE BOWL!), potatoes, broccoli and carrots (cooked), LAMB, chocolate cake (which I only had one huge bite of). I barely could eat for the rest of the week!

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