Miss London May is very happy and very sweet. Since two and a half months old, she has slept through the night without needing any nighttime feedings (although sometimes she wakes up needing to be soothed). I 100% believe that this was a gift from Heaven as she started sleeping through the night the week before school started. I am not sure that I could have taught this year with any less sleep than I am currently getting.
She has three cute and slightly crooked teeth (all came within 10 days of each other), plays independently, and loves grabbing anything that's not a designated "baby toy."
Her eyes are incredible. Not only are they beautiful, but they soak in everything around her. She watches and is constantly learning. She loves her Daddy a lot (sometimes it makes me jealous) and always gives him her biggest smiles. She is absolutely perfect in every way.
I really struggled with my body image after having London. I cried. A lot. I wore maternity pants until London was six months old and maxi skirts every Sunday. I started slowly but have worked up my endurance and strength and am now actually feeling pretty good about myself.
Hiram has repeatedly told me that he thinks I'm perfect and beautiful but also has supported me every step of the way. He would watch London during the fussy hours of the night so I could exercise (now I exercise in the early early morning), buys groceries that are more filling and less fattening, and let me buy a whole bunch of new exercise clothes that I feel good in.
I remember before I had London I read an article about marriages. It said that most people are happiest within the first two years of marriage but it starts to die off after the second year ends and/or when couples have their first child. "Oh no," I thought. "Both are happening within a month of each other."
Good news: I love Hiram more now than I ever did before. He's so sweet and kind and giving. He is a wonderful husband and an adorable father. Every time I look at him I love him more. I told him that, and he doesn't believe it, but it's true.
The same happens with London.
I feel like I've been given an "easy baby" to let me get through this last year of teaching without losing my brain and patience.
But school this year has been incredible. My students are amazing, my curriculum is developed, and I am really enjoying teaching. My two team members (the other two eighth grade math teachers) are funny and supportive and do everything that I forget or don't want to. The students make me laugh every period, and I often find myself lamenting that this is my last year.
But then I quickly end that because I realize I get to spend every day with London. And I'm not sad at all. In fact, I've never felt happier.
Have I mentioned that Hiram is amazing? He graduated from BYU last April with a Bachelor's Degree in Public Health, receiving recognition like "Intern of the Year". He then studied for and took the GRE and applied for graduate school all while working at a clinic, directing internships at a hospital, and taking care of an insecure wife and a newborn baby.
Although we made some mistakes in grad school applications (like writing the wrong name of the school in one essay), Hiram was offered interviews at every school we wanted to attend and offered admission at every school where he interviewed.
Just before Thanksgiving we learned that he was accepted to Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) which we were really hoping to get into! The Masters of Healthcare Administration program there is incredible and we're very excited for the opportunities it will bring. We have been living at his parents' home for the past 17 months (which has been a huge blessing for babycare and finances), and will move to Virginia this coming summer! We are so excited and I know Hiram will do amazing things.
Hiram has been the world's best dad and husband. He works 30+ hours a week for his job and his internship, but also willingly does the laundry, shopping, and cleaning while I'm gone at school. He has never complained, only thanks me for all of the hard work that I do. When I get home, he continues to play with London making her giggle and squeal (rather than "passing her off" to me), and often offers to make my lunch for the next day or bathe her or do really anything that would make my life easier.
See why I love him more each time I see him?
My family is incredible. So is our life.
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Photo by Annie Mangelson |
This is a great update. :) Your little family is so great. :)