Monday, February 18, 2013

Sweet Heart Changes

As much as I love the opportunity to read a book (or three), three-day-weekends exhaust me. I think part of it is the need I feel to be as productive as possible, but with minimal motivation. Exhausting.

With exhaustion, comes emotion. And something that I can remember feeling at every stage of life when I've been exhausted is the emotion of loneliness. I will feel utterly and completely friendless.

So Hiram's work shifts are four hours long, and sometimes they're at night. Like tonight. As I watched him walk into the bathroom to brush his teeth, I was overwhelmed by the emotions I've felt all weekend. Hiram was completely sensitive and loving and held me and told me that his heart hurt when my heart hurt, and that I wasn't supposed to feel lonely when he was here.

But we both knew that he still needed to go to work. That couldn't change.
What could change was my attitude.

So I said a simple prayer asking for the following two things:

  • Inspiration for someone to serve so that I could forget myself
  • Friendship. I just felt like I had none.
I knew I wouldn't receive any inspiration if I wasn't willing to work, so I began making chocolate chip cookies. While I made cookies, I played the following talk from President Thomas S. Monson:

I decided that true service would be manifested if I were to give more than I kept. So I decided to make cookies for everyone in my home, as well as my Relief Society President. I wrapped up cookies in tissue paper and tied them with ribbons, and knocked on each of the other four apartments' doors.

The first door opened up. I mentioned that I made cookies to pass the time while Hiram was at work, and the couple invited me in for Family Home Evening. "We're just about to start!"

After delivering the four other cookie packages, I was welcomed back in to their home. Our discussion was short and simple, but I felt the companionship of the Holy Ghost, and I began to feel less alone. When Hiram walked back through our front door an hour later, I found my heart had been filled with happiness, instead of loneliness.

Being compassionate is another great work of our Heavenly Father and a fundamental characteristic of who we are as a people. We are commanded to “succor the weak, lift up the hands which hang down, and strengthen the feeble knees.”  Disciples of Christ throughout all ages of the world have been distinguished by their compassion. Those who follow the Savior “mourn with those that mourn … and comfort those that stand in need of comfort.”
When we reach out to bless the lives of others, our lives are blessed as well.  ("Happiness, Your Heritage", President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Oct. 2008)