I love Hiram. We have a lot of fun together. Here are some of our "first's"...
1. First time being sick together.
I wrote about this in our couple's journal, but either
a) Hiram got it bad and I got it horribly bad, OR
b) Hiram is the most patient and selfless person ever and I'm a huge baby.
Considering how Hiram cared for me and made me food and let me sleep and has done the dishes for about 500 loads as well as all the laundry while I cried and slept and rejected food and watched the entire A&E/BBC's Pride and Prejudice and cried some more, I think it's the second option.
What I have learned from this experience: He loves me. I knew that already, but ... he even sat with me in the clammy doctor's office for three-quarters of an hour listening to a ninth-grade girl with the worst attitude be pretty rude to her mom (who, by the way, asked us if we were "having our first" -- no, that's not one of our first's this post, although I adore babies). That's love, especially when you should be studying for finals instead.
Our second "first" was a little more expected. Again, not a baby.
2. First Thanksgiving!
Hiram knew I was a little insecure about it. I had never before experienced a Thanksgiving without at least one member of my family... and every single Thanksgiving that I can remember has included my sister, Terra.
But this Thanksgiving I was to be here, and they were to be there. In California. HOURS away.
Hiram's family is wonderful. I don't even think I can call them in-laws. It's too distant. They are so loving and warm and really, my family.
Before we sat down to stuff our tummies with turkey stuffing (that should count as some type of palindromic alliteration), Hiram's mom gave us a lovely devotional with a reminder of what Thanksgiving is all about.
Hiram's sisters, Hannah and Emma, had been spending forever cutting out little leaves, and she provided us with paper and scissors and pencils and pens and glue, and we created this:
They even gave us extra leaves so we can add on it for the rest of our lives. Sure, it may look like we have a lack of gratitude now, but I like the idea that as we grow older our Thankful Tree will be heavier. This will stay up all year long.
Speaking of items I want to stay up all year long... we had our third "first"!
Okay, I'll be honest. I hope this year's decorating isn't a forecast of years to come.
Hi's attitude: Cebre. There are better things to do. Like sleep.
We slept that first night, and then when Hiram went to work the next day I spent a couple of hours creating fake gifts by wrapping old math textbooks with pillowcases and gift-bags and leftover wrapping paper from wedding gifts. Yes, I un-wrap very carefully, and Hiram loves it.
And I think it turned out well.
Below are some of my favorite details.
[Note: I can't find my camera cord. So you get the iPhone version.]
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I think my mom made this at Enrichment Night long ago, or something. I love his button-beard. [Edit: My Aunt Shauna made it and gave it to us for Christmas long ago! Thanks!] |
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Hiram said we can keep these up all year (and not the REAL Christmas Tree--bummer). My mom used to have them up in our old house. It reminds me of Fieldbrook. |
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Our Aunt Shauna and Uncle Clay gave this to us! Our FIRST ornament! And it's beautiful. |
'Tis the Season!